Therapy in English - Center AZYMUT Poznan

Therapy in English in Poznan

Therapy in English – Psychodynamic psychotherapy is recommended for people who experience unhappiness, emptiness, boredom and dissatisfaction with their relationships, especially with their intimate partners. It can be helpful for people who repeatedly find themselves in a vicious circle of maladaptive behaviors. It is very effective in treating deep seated social and professional relationship issues, low mood or depression, anxiety, emotional instability, low self esteem, excessive inhibitions or impulsivity.

  • Our specialists will help you understand the meaning of your problems, find words for your unconscious drives or actions, manage intense or contradictory emotions, lower your anxiety. You will be able to explore why certain problems in your relationships seem to repeat and how you can gradually find improvement in areas that used to be a source of unbearable pain. 
  • Our approach (to Patients) is based on empathic, non-judgemental attitude. Each therapist graduated in psychology and either completed or continues training in the accredited school of psychodynamic psychotherapy. In our team we have specialists who speak English fluently. We regularly participate in international training courses and conferences – this way we provide our patients with high quality professional help.

How Psychotherapy helps?

  • Poprawie empatycznego, jasnego komunikowania potrzeb i emocji
  • Zrozumieniu przyczyn doświadczanych trudności
  • W zrozumieniu potrzeb i czekiwań drugiej strony
  • W odbudowanie bliskości - zarówno emocjonalnej jak i seksualnej
  • W wypracowaniu nowych, elastycznych i adaptacyjnych sposobów radzenia sobie z konfliktami w relacji
  • W odbudowie zaufania i odzyskanie zdolności do cieszenia sie wzajemna bliskością

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